Saturday, February 26, 2011

So the semester is moving along okay. Its exhausting. Spring semester is always the crazy one. It seems like everything happens at once. Clay conferences, Sloss, all this scholarship business, and all at the same time trying to keep up with your work. I will say its always the most interesting and rewarding semester though.

I made some maquettes for my sculpture. They were pretty quick and raw, but it gets the idea across. It probably saved me a lot of time, but at the same time its not as fun as going at it blindly.

I started cutting up the five pound pots I was throwing. This piece im working on, is made of pots cut in half and putting the pieces together.

Then this piece is made from two pots I threw down at an angle and connected. I then added one of the half pots from the other piece and cut a slab from a pot. I enjoyed how spontaneous this piece was. We were talking about honest work in critique. I would have to say this is a pretty honest piece. It feels like the clay just made itself into what it wanted. I don't feel like I made it at all, but then again thats what I like about it.

First glaze firing! Finally.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The first critique is over. Things got a bit crazy, but it all worked out in the end. Which brings me to the importance of the process in my work. The photographs below are in chronological order, showing my last project developing. These are just the high point, but I still think its interesting.